
Modified Dramatic Failure Rule

Dramatic failures also occur whenever any sized dice pool is rolled and all dice come up ones. The only exception comes when a player rolls a dice pool of one. Since the player shouldn't have the same probablity of getting a dramatic failure on a single die as on a chance die. Therefore if a one is rolled on a single die, the player rerolls the die. If it comes up one a second time, then a dramatic failure occurs.

Shadow Dice

When a player performs above and beyond in terms of roleplaying, strategy, or whatever else, the ST may award them a number of shadow dice, which may be used in the following ways:

Bonus Dice: The player may use a number of shadow dice equal to their Power Stat (Blood Potency, Primal Urge, Gnosis, etc.) to add additional dice to a pool. Once used the shadow dice are gone. Note that Mortals do not have a Power Stat, but they may always spend 1 shadow die.

Extra Experience: The player may trade in unused shadow dice at the end of a chapter to recieve 1 XP/5 shadow dice turned in.
